Doc McStuffins Wiki

"Beat the Heat" is a Doc McStuffins song from the Season 2 episode "Lil' Egghead Feels the Heat". In this song, Doc, Stuffy, Lambie and Egghead sing a song about cooling yourself during a very hot day.

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"L'il Egghead Feels The Heat" Song Doc McStuffins Disney Junior UK-0


<poem> Doc: For answers to questions Especially advanced ones You're the go-to dude

Egghead: Now my circuits overheated Contest defeated I can't add two plus two

Doc, Stuffy and Lambie (Egghead): Lots that you can do (Somebody help me) To keep a hot day cool Before the heat gets you (I gotta beat the heat)

Stuffy and Lambie: Ooh, beat, beat, beat the heat

Stuffy: Slow down, drink water, to cool off you otta Find a shady tree

Lambie: If the temperature is rising, take a break inside With a fan, or A.C.

Doc, Stuffy and Lambie: Lots that you can do To keep a hot day cool Before the heat gets you

Egghead: I gotta beat that heat!

Stuffy and Lambie (Egghead): Ooh, beat, beat, beat the heat. (Somebody help me)
